Energy and innovation

Emerging vehicle and fuel technology

We actively support initiatives to reduce consumer emissions from the use of our products in the transportation sector. These include research efforts with partner universities and other companies to address the fuel and vehicle as a single system to improve efficiency.

Enabling mobility

Fuel technologies and advanced motor oil innovation

ExxonMobil is committed to developing and supplying quality fuels, which is why we have an entire active research organization dedicated to ensuring that the product pumped into your vehicle is the latest technology in industry innovation.

Additionally, our breakthrough lubricants offer drivers a longer interval between oil changes and improved engine efficiency, while still providing outstanding performance and protection.  Our specially formulated synthetic motor oil products are tailored to improving engine function, whether it be for greater durability, better wear protection or running a cleaner engine.

Advancing climate solutions

ExxonMobil and Porsche are testing advanced biofuels and renewable, lower-carbon eFuels

The specially-formulated Esso Renewable Racing Fuel will be tested on the racetrack in Porsche’s high-performance motorsports engines beginning at the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup 2021.
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Advanced plastics pave the way for sustainability and fuel efficiency

 Around the world the automotive industry is facing many challenges, not the least of which is a desire to produce more sustainable vehicles while improving fuel efficiency, safety, vehicle performance and driver comfort. In order to meet these current standards, automakers have turned to plastic parts, which are just as durable as other materials but are much lighter.
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All articles about emerging vehicle and fuel technology

ExxonMobil and Porsche test lower-carbon fuel in race conditions IRVING, Texas / STUTTGART, Germany – ExxonMobil and Porsche are testing advanced biofuels and renewable, lower-carbon eFuels, as part of a new agreement to find pathways toward potential future consumer adoption. 

News News releases March 30, 2021

The road to 2040: What's fueling transportation growth Projections that the global middle class will increase by 1.7 billion people over the next two decades means a lot more energy will be needed in the years ahead to move planes, trains and automobiles.

Emerging tech Energy Factor Feb. 27, 2020

A new breed of racing, built on new technology Fans rarely see the fluids inside a race car, but they are the hidden workhorses for race day success. Same for the engineers developing those fluids and lubes. And, activating the dynamic science behind race car performance requires the very same dedication and precision found on the racetrack itself.

Emerging tech Energy Factor Jan. 9, 2020

The science behind driving longer on less Drivers don’t often think of the science behind getting more mileage out of their fuel tanks.

Emerging tech Energy Factor Dec. 16, 2019

How cars go fast, according to kids Ask any child what they want to do when they grow up, and chances are being a race car driver will top a few lists. It’s no surprise, given the excitement and adrenaline rush spectators feel when watching world-class drivers speed their cars toward a checkered flag – a feeling that helps make motor racing one of the most popular sports in the world.

Emerging tech Energy Factor Aug. 13, 2019