State lobbying


State lobbying
ExxonMobil’s state lobbying activities and expenses are reported on various state websites, in accordance with the disclosure requirements of each state. In order to provide increased transparency, these activities and expenses have been consolidated below. This list includes states where ExxonMobil’s in-house and contract lobbyists engaged in lobbying activities during 2021, along with a description of the issues lobbied as reported to the relevant state agency. These descriptions vary depending on state laws, and where no description of lobbying activity is required, we have provided a general overview of our engagement.

2021 state lobbying activity

In-house and contract

ExxonMobil state lobbying expenditure (USD)

Issues lobbied
Alaska $180,349 Alaska oil and gas issues, policies, legislation and regulatory issues
California $141,004

AB 1395

AB 842

AB 1218

SB 54

SB 419

SB 467

Executive Orders

Illinois $68 Illinois energy and business issues; labor and emission reduction policies
Louisiana $10,864 Louisiana energy and business issues: emission reduction and tax policies
Montana $16,888

SB 376

HB 394

SB 359

HB 632

HB 363

SB 181

SB 233

HB 2

New Jersey $89,591 Energy and business issues; legislation to permit corporations to hold virtual shareholder meetings
New Mexico $98,889 New Mexico oil and gas legislative and regulatory issues; tax, environment, and private right of action issues
New York $84,000 Energy & Natural Resources - general, oil/fuel/gas issues, Advanced Recycling
Pennsylvania $90,868 Energy & Taxation
Texas $325,987 Texas energy and business issues including; agriculture, alcoholic beverage regulation, city government, civil remedies & liabilities, coastal affairs & beaches, consumer protection, disaster preparedness & relief; economic & industrial development, education, environment, fees & other non-tax revenue, highway & roads, insurance, labor, malpractice - health care providers, mines and mineral resources, occupational regulation, oil & gas, parks & wildlife, property interests, public lands, safety, taxation, tort reform, transportation, utilities, vehicles & traffic, water and weapons
Virginia $100 Lobbying Registration Fee

2021 state lobbying  $1,038, 609